
Pevensey Levels

This page contains information on Pevensey Levels, how it has evolved, its geomorphology, the influence of man and identifies some of the rare species that live there.

It also provides links to current government planning for the East Sussex coast via the local Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) and how this is translated into the latest Strategy for the area.


Because Pevensey Bay's sea defences protect both valuable freshwater and saline habitats, environmental issues are important throughout the scheme. In the environment section there is information on a range of coastal habitats and the plants that inhabit them. Wherever groynes are removed the timber is salvaged so that it can be re-used where suitable or provided for recycling and a variety of landscaping projects.

Pevensey Coastal Defence Ltd, Westminster House, Crompton Way, Segensworth West, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5SS
Registered in England, Company No. 03776520